Reasons You Might Need Dentures

Tooth Loss

Tooth loss affects a significant part of the Australian population. Whether you’ve lost teeth to decay, periodontal disease or an accident, having missing teeth can be embarrassing, inconvenient and uncomfortable.

Luckily, missing teeth can be easily replaced using the most advanced restorative dental solutions. The most

common of these options are dentures.

What are Dentures?

Dentures are a set of false teeth that fit over the gums

(full dentures) or clip into place on existing teeth (partial dentures). Dentures can be used on your upper teeth, lower teeth, or both. Dentures have a gum-colored acrylic base that your Smart Smiles dentist will match to the color of your gums to make your mouth look natural.

With good care, dentures are highly durable and will last for many years.

Reasons for Dentures

The Process of Getting Dentures

If you have experienced tooth injury resulting in the loss of teeth, or have struggled with gum disease or decay that have led to tooth loss, it is never too late to consider dentures. It is important that you seek the expertise of a dentist with extensive experience helping patients determine the perfect look needed to restore your smile and overall appearance.

Dentures at Smart Smiles Dental

To improve a poor appearance due to missing teeth, be sure to visit your dental team at Smart Smiles Dental. Your Deer Park dentist will help you determine if dentures are appropriate for you, create dentures that fit your mouth perfectly, and restore your smile and bite.

Our Special Offers

At Smart Smile Dental, our goal is to make quality dental care affordable. We encourage you to take advantage of our latest offers. To find out more, visit our special offers page today!